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Meet our intranet and digital workplace expert, David Bowman

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Watch the video below to see our intranet and digital workplace expert share his knowledge.

With years of experience in the field and in-depth insight into what organisations want,  David is the perfect frontman for our Fresh team. In the video above he talks about key issues such as:

  • Things to consider when implementing an intranet what are the common factors businesses look at when choosing a company intranet
  • Critical success factors for a digital workspace the key elements to achieve ongoing success with your intranet solution
  • Digital workspace strategies for success  what can you do to make sure your intranet isn't destined for failure before you've even launched

David Bowman

David is the product director for Fresh, an intranet and digital workspace for Office 365 that centralises an organisation’s communication and collaboration space. As a technology evangelist grounded in practicality, he delivers strategic consulting on the digital workspace and has two decades of experience and knowledge.

David Bowman fresh

Meet the Expert episodes

Missed an episode? Watch intranet and digital workplace sessions presented by David Bowman, Intranet and Digital Workplace expert:

Do You Really Need an Intranet?
Can Microsoft Viva, SharePoint and Intranets Work Together for Success?

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